Who we are
A little about us, our background, and what we believe.Our Story
In 2003, a small group of people felt led by God to start a new church in Spring Hill, Tennessee. We held our first worship service in Spring Hill Elementary School and gathered there every Sunday for the next decade. During those years, we launched The Well (our city’s food pantry) and The JetPack Project (an effort to provide weekend food for hungry students), ministries which are still thriving today.
The location of our worship services changed in January 2014, when we moved into our newly-completed building at 1001 Chapman’s Crossing. Our weekday preschool, The Academy at WellSpring, also opened its doors at that time. We launched ‘Trusting the Promise’ in March 2018; it’s an ongoing initiative through which we recently built a larger auditorium and will soon plant a new campus in Columbia.
That’s WellSpring’s history in a nutshell. The overall story of our church is exciting. But the personal stories within our church are even more amazing and important…stories of marriages rescued, addictions broken, lives changed, and eternities altered.
Our Mission
A lot’s changed at WellSpring over the years. But our mission, “Helping people follow Jesus,” has remained the same. Pretty much everything we do lines up with that stated purpose. We help people follow Jesus by encouraging folks to find family, know God, make an impact, and embrace discipleship. Our LifeTrack provides a fantastic overview of each step—learn more or sign up here!
People at WellSpring come from all kinds of church backgrounds…and from no church background at all! We may not all agree on everything. In fact, we probably won’t. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t worship together and help people follow Jesus.
In John 17, Jesus prays, “I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” Essentially, our unity tells the world that Jesus is legitimate, sent from God, and it tells the world that God loves them. So, are there things worth dividing over? Certainly… but it should be a very small list.”
We allow a lot of freedom. But we also recognize that there are some core issues on which we all need to agree. Here are four foundational truths that summarize our core beliefs:
Jesus is Lord.
God is love.
Jesus came full of grace and truth.
The Bible is right.

Want a deeper dive on our beliefs?
Attend the “Know God” session. It’s at 10:45am on the second Sunday of each month.