
Andy Hudelson
Senior Minister
Andy graduated from Johnson University in 1995 and helped launch WellSpring in 2003. He and his wife Amy have four daughters: Lauren, Emily, Arica, and Kara. Andy loves working outside and is passionate about WellSpring being a place where it’s safe to explore what it means to follow Jesus.

Keith Buddemeyer
Care & Missions Minister
Keith hails from the Corncob Pipe Capital of the World, and he’s been married to Shari (his high school sweetheart) since 1983. On staff here since 2011, Keith focuses on pastoral care, missions, and ministry to senior adults.

Gabe Warden
Student Minister
Gabe was born and raised in “K-Town”—Knoxville, TN. He’s glad to have been born into a ministry family that loves the Tennessee Volunteers. After graduating from Johnson University, he moved to Spring Hill to continue ministry, seeking to help grow a community of spiritual leaders.

Emily Warden
Kids Minister
Since her youth, Emily knew without a doubt that she wanted to be a Children’s Minister. Having graduated from Johnson University with a Children’s Ministry degree, she returned to WellSpring to help kids follow Jesus. She laughs a lot and loves the Tennessee Vols.

Chris Wilson
Worship Minister
Chris was born and raised in Manassas, Virginia. He and his wife Mariah have two kids, Evan and Cayden. Chris graduated from Williamson College with a Ministry leadership degree and has served on staff in multiple ministries for the past nine years. Chris has a passion for worship ministry, and helping others trust and follow Jesus more deeply.

Amy Hudelson
Operations & Accounting Director
In addition to keeping Andy in line (no small task!), Amy keeps WellSpring’s operations and accounts in order. She’s a mother to four girls and an accountant!

Alicia Lubbers
Women's Ministry Support
The Lubbers family came to WellSpring in 2020 by way of Savannah, GA. Alicia’s passionate about helping people follow Jesus, and it’s evident by how she serves and leads in our worship, women’s, and LifeGroup ministries.

Becky Ulrich
Student’s Admin
The Ulrichs have been a part of WellSpring since they moved to Spring Hill in 2013. Becky enjoys working with kids of all ages and has a background in Elementary Education. She teaches Pre-K at the Academy at WellSpring, serves with middle school girls on Wednesday evenings, and loves travelling to new places. She’s married to Justin, and they have two kids. (Ayden and Vivian)

Bethany Bennett
Kid’s Admin
Bethany joined Wellspring’s staff in 2023 to help as the assistant in kid’s ministry. She and her husband, Jay, moved to the area in 2020. They have one son, Harrison, and a daughter, Darcy.

Kelly Garrison
Graphics Coordinator
Kelly has been on staff since 2007, serving in various roles and currently is our Graphics Coordinator. She’s married to Jon and they have two boys, Isaiah and Noah. Kelly enjoys leading others in worship and helping women follow Jesus through our women’s ministry team.

Ed Baynes
Facilities Manager
The Baynes family has been a part of WellSpring since the summer of 2005. Ed leads a team dedicated to keeping our WellSpring building safe, comfortable, and looking its best.

Traci Alderman
Office Manager
Traci’s been a part of the WellSpring family since May of 2016. She was a homeschooling mom for 25 years! You’ll now find her leading our “First Team” on Sundays and keeping our office running smoothly during the week.

Karen Jones
Administrative Support
Karen feels equally at home in the office or at her daughter’s cheer competitions. If we need something faxed, phoned, or filed, she makes it happen!
This team provides spiritual oversight, guidance, and direction for our church.
Scott Hancock
The Hancocks have part of WellSpring since late 2003, and Scott joined our elder team in 2024. He works full time for Compassion International, one of WellSpring’s mission partners. In his spare time, he leads a LifeGroup, helps with our First Team, and serves with WellSpring Students.

Dan Jones
Dan and his wife, Barb, have been a part of WellSpring since 2015; he became an elder in late 2021. Dan helps lead our Set Up and Tear Down team, and he also helps out as usher during our Sunday worship services.

Mark McGarrity
The McGarritys have been WellSpringers since 2013; he became an elder in 2021. Mark serves as a worship leader during our Sunday services, and he leads a LifeGroup with his wife Jennifer.

Jud Roper
Jud became an elder in 2021, and the Ropers have been WellSpringers since they moved here in 2015. Jud serves on our financial team, volunteers on our safety team, is a “cheer dad” to two daughters, and uses his Seinfeld trivia knowledge to impress his wife, Casey.

Doug Smith
Doug and his wife Lyneta started attending WellSpring in 2015, and he joined the elder team in 2024. Doug serves on the worship team and has a heart for helping adults and families overcome screen addictions so we can be truly free in Christ.