Mission Partners
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all of Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. –Acts 1:8LOCAL MISSION PARTNERS (WellSpring’s Jerusalem)
The Well Outreach
WellSpring established The Well in February 2006 and helped transition the ministry into a separate non-profit in 2009. WellSpring maintains a strong relationship with The Well and encourages families to find ways to volunteer with this very important community partner. Family-friendly serving opportunity.
- JetPacks – provides nutritious, non-perishable food to hungry children of food-deficient households for the weekend during the school year.
- Click here for an overview of the JetPacks Program.
- WellSpring currently sponsors three local schools: Chapman’s Retreat Elementary School (Spring Hill), Highland Park Elementary School (Columbia), and E. A. Cox Middle School (Columbia).
- WellSpring budgeted $50,000 for JetPacks for the 2023-2024 school year.
- How YOU can help:
–Click here to make a financial donation to help purchase Jetpacks. Simply use the drop-down menu and select “Missions: Jetpacks”.
-Volunteer at one of our packing events assembling events. Our next event is Saturday, January 13 at 9 AM at WellSpring.
-Email traci@wellspringchristian.org to volunteer to transport JetPacks to one of our schools.
- Mobile Food Pantry – a half-day food distribution event that is an opportunity for families in need of food assistance to receive a grocery cart full of groceries free of charge.
WellSpring sponsors two Mobile Food Pantries each year, one in the fall and one in the Spring. Other monthly MFP events supported by various sponsors are hosted as well.- Each Mobile Food Pantry costs $3,000, providing 25,000 lbs of food for families.
- How YOU can help:
–Click here to donate financially to WellSpring’s missions fund to help purchase food. Simply use the drop-down menu and select “Missions: Undesignated”.
-Donate needed food items directly to The Well.
-Volunteer at one of WellSpring’s sponsored events or any of several other Mobile Food Pantries held each month.
- WellSpring Wednesdays @ The Well – bi-weekly Wednesday night serving teams work at The Well’s Spring Hill location.
- Teams of individuals and families serve by stocking shelves, helping clients select their food, and
providing general help in the pantry. - Free training is available to fill vital roles of meeting with clients for prayer and counsel.
- Evenings run from 5:45-8:15 PM. WellSpring teams serve every other week, either the 1st & 3rd or 2nd & 4th Wednesdays.
- How YOU can help:
-Contact Keith Buddemeyer, our missions coordinator, at keith@wellspringchristian.org to join one of the two teams and serve twice monthly.
–Click here to register directly with The Well and serve in any of the other needed positions throughout the week.
- Teams of individuals and families serve by stocking shelves, helping clients select their food, and
Nashville Rescue Mission
On the 3rd Saturday of each month, a team of WellSpring volunteers serves at the Nashville Rescue Mission, helping to provide community and physical assistance to those experiencing homelessness. This is an opportunity for families with kids ages 10+ to make an impact. Click here to register.
WellSpring sets aside funds each year to help families within our congregation who are struggling with physical, mental, and spiritual needs. These funds may be used to help cover utilities, counseling, funeral costs, etc. for families going through a difficult season. You can help by donating to the Benevolence Fund, here.
WORLDWIDE MISSION PARTNERS (WellSpring’s ends of the earth)
Compassion International
Compassion is a child-advocacy ministry pairing compassionate people with children living in extreme poverty to release the children from spiritual, economic, social, and physical poverty.
Child Sponsorship:
- WellSpring currently sponsors 7 children through Compassion. This is made possible through the Sunday morning Kids’ Ministry offerings, and also through drink & snack purchases from our Student Ministry’s “Snack Stash”. All proceeds collected through these two avenues go to sponsor kids around the world.
- In addition to the 7 children that WellSpring sponsors, we also encourage our WellSpring family to sponsor children through Compassion. $43 per month enables a child to discover their true value through love, education, health care, and recreational activities, provided in a Christian environment. WellSpring will begin sponsoring a survival intervention program with Compassion in 2023, providing food, education, and support for moms and infants.
- You can sponsor a child of your own through Compassion, here.
Sonlight Ministries/Haiti
CrossRoads @ Piedras Negras
For more than a quarter century CrossRoads has been active along the Mexico/Texas border building a housing community with the help of mission trippers of all ages. Now having two churches, two schools, an orphanage, and a large neighborhood of homes, work is turning towards helping the residents with sports and medical clinics, food programs, and other projects as needed. Piedras represents WellSpring’s next step in serving with CrossRoads.
Beyond Sonlight Ministries and Compassion International, WellSpring believes in investing in the next generation. The following organizations specialize in training and challenging the rising generation in discipleship and service for God’s kingdom.
White Mills Christian Camp

Located in a beautiful setting bordered by the Nolin River, White Mills Christian Camp hosts summer camps and a wide assortment of retreats & conferences throughout the year, serving more than 50 supporting churches. In addition to sending elementary and middle school-age kids to church camp at White Mills every summer, WellSpring contributes 1% of our tithes and offerings to White Mills Christian Camp.
Johnson University
Johnson University in Knoxville TN is one of the most respected private universities in the Southeast United States. Founded to train students for church ministry, Johnson offers an array of degrees, but each graduate leaves with a second major in Bible. WellSpring partners with Johnson at the highest tier of their Vanguard Program to offer scholarships to WellSpring students who decide to go Johnson University for ministry education.