Marriage Mentoring
For couples who could use a little extra help...or a lot.WellSpring marriage mentors will help you identify key areas of concern using an online couples diagnostic survey. They will carefully help you navigate through issues identified from the survey results. Weekly meetings with mentors are approximately 90 minutes long, and they continue for up to ten weeks. Mentoring most often occurs in the home of the mentors.
E-mail questions to Jennifer (our Marriage Mentoring leader). If you’d like to get started, follow these steps:
1) Download the gender-specific applications for marriage mentoring. Guys, your application is here. Ladies, here’s yours.
2) Complete the applications and return them to, or mail them to our church office (Attn: Marriage Mentoring, WellSpring, 1001 Chapman’s Crossing, Spring Hill, TN 37174).
3) Include a $50 check (made payable to WellSpring with memo line: “Marriage Mentoring”) with your application. This covers the cost of your mentoring materials and survey processing. You may also drop your check in the offering during one of our services—just make sure “Marriage Mentoring” is on the memo line. Prefer to pay digitally? Tap the WellSpring app’s “Give icon” and include Marriage Mentoring as a note with your payment. Don’t let the cost of Marriage Mentoring prevent you from signing up! Call our church office (615.302.0721) to discuss partial or full scholarships for the program.
Have questions about Marriage Mentoring?
Reaching out is the first (and maybe the hardest) step to getting help.