Almost every other month the WellSpring Women’s Ministry has a large group event and we’d love to have you ladies join us! We also have multiple ladies only groups that meet throughout the year as well. See below for what’s coming up next and other women’s ministry details.

Join us on March 29, from 9 AM to 4:15 PM, for a day of meaningful worship and in-depth teaching by author and speaker Kristi McLelland.
Kristi will bring God’s Word to life by exploring its historical and cultural context. Together, we’ll feast on God’s word and gather with His people.

WellSpring Women’s ministry has a Facebook group and Instagram profile. These are great places to find the latest information on events and also participate in weekly online devotionals.
Click here to Join our Facebook Group. Please answer the group questions for approval.

We’d love for you to find family here at WellSpring by connecting through one of groups. You can find groups specifically for women or join one of our co-ed groups. We have Bible Study groups, Interest Groups, and LifeGroups available for you to join. Some of them meet weekly and others meet monthly.
Click here to find a group. You can find “Women Only” groups by using the filters.

We have Women’s Ministry Merch available for purchase! Tap here to check out our tees, hoodie, and tote.